Blogging in Amsterdam
Today I rented a bike and went to two of the best stores I could ever imagine going to. PJC Hajenuis, a glorious tobacconist, and De Bier Konning the most heavenly beer store I have ever seen.
This was my first full day here, so I am making the most of it. So far Amsterdam is terrific. The people are lovely and helpful, and everyone speaks english which helps my ignorant North American jack-ass-of-a-self find his way around town. I got lost going a distance of about 500 metres because everything looks the same, and there are no tall buildings or mountains to use as references. I don't want to use a compass, as the giant map looks ridiculous enough -But I did leave the fanny pack at home.
Anyway, I know I said I wouldn't post, but we brought the computer, and the soon-to-be-wife is at her conference most of the time during the day. So the following few posts will be about the trip, cigars, beer, and Amsterdam in general. Hopefully some future travellers will find it useful.
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